If SPAM in space makes Hormel executives smile, SPAM in cyberspace makes them grimace, and understandably so. That’s because they’ve watched their carefully cultivated international trademark become generic Internet slang for unwanted junk mail. How and when SPAM entered the Internet vernacular for junk mail is anyone’s guess, but the fact remains that when someone sends you unsolicited junk mail, netizens ( citizens of the Net ) will say you’ve been ” spammed “.
In the olden days, the most popular plan to fight spam was also the easiest. All you posses to do is to delete the spam mail on obtaining, and never, ever repeat to spam mail. Though, this could be a very tedious work especially if you receive tons of spam messages a day.
Nowadays, computer geniuses had come up with a finer, more effective, and relatively easier behaviour of blocking the spam mail. This cyber space super hero comes in the form of a spam blocker. With spam blocker, blocking mail from spammers is just a click away. Though, there are instances that spam blockers malfunctions or they just don’t operate effectively.
That’s why in times like this, it is extremely important for you to identify a potential spam attack instantly. A relatively mild system performance could go into your instinct for red alert, as this might be a potential spam attack. There maybe instances that your system is no longer capable of receipt emails. This may be due to a slow processing of hefty value of mails, or your spam blocker was not able to nose out a spam and your system had already suffered a spam attack.
In the event that your spam blocker was not clever enough to understand that an imminent danger is on the street and you discover that you are a victim of spamming, it’s a must that you do the following:
First Aid #1: Know your enemies!
Don’t be left in the battle staring at a not anything wall. Do a little investigation and know where your email had come from. You can do this by checking the headers, and immediately reconfigure your proxy servers to predomination another possible entry of that same address.
Ultimate #2: Ask for help.
Advise your current Internet Service Provider or ISP for organ spam attack. Ask them if they can change the settings of their proxy servers to impede another attack when the suspected address will be active to penetrate to your system also.
Tip #3: Do a little investigation.
Follow up with sites that possibly hosted the attack, like the ISPs you identified in your investigation of the problem, so as to playful them to the activity.
Tip #4: Go for the professional.
Notify the any group that works with the Internet community so as to smooth the progress of its replies to computer security incidents involving Internet hosts. These groups provide 24 – hour technical assistance fro responding to computer security incidents, assistance, seminars, and technical documents.
Tip #5: Look for the best strategy.
Repeatedly, e – mail clients provide their own spam blockers. Also, you can besides block spam mails through firewalls.
Also, there are other alternatives wherein you can use a different strategy for blocking spamming. You can use a smap. Or you may resort to more simple options like updating your e – mail software and maintaining patches, updates, and bug fixes habituated by your e – mail provider.
There are many ways to get spam blockers on the Internet. All you have to do is to shop around and look for the spam blocker that could serve you best.
In reality, there is no way to actually prevent e – mail spamming. However, through spam blockers you can at beginning protect yourself and decrease the likelihood of a spamming attack.
Moreover, doing these five child’s play steps may not guarantee absolute solution to the problem or may act as alternatives for spam blockers. Keep in mind that as you try to identify the source of the email, the author of the attack may be under an alias and attempting to curtain his or her true identity. Thus, it would be harder for you to prevent further spam attacks.
Indeed, it’s almost impossible to utterly prevent spamming. However, you can put up a good fight through educating yourself about unwanted application email and spam. As they reveal, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.